
What is overlanding? It is vehicle-based travel. I have heard it described as backpacking in a car. I also heard once that traveling by car is the best way to see the country. We like to travel by the backroads. Not always “offroad” but not flying by at 70mph either. For example, we once drove from near Cincinnati, Ohio to Pensacola, Florida without taking any expressways. We never got off pavement but still saw more of America by adding a few hours to our trip than rushing down the expressway.

Our tent and car overlooking the Badlands by JW Huskey.

We also like to find places we can camp for free and away from other people. There’s nothing like staying the night somewhere and never seeing another person all night. Of course, overlanding also takes us into cities, big and small. The cities are part of the experience of seeing this great land too.

We also like to take day trips which often take us down forest service roads and unmaintained township roads. Any thing to get out and see the world.

Isn’t this just four wheeling? I don’t think so. Four wheeling is looking for obstacles to conquer. Isn’t this just car camping? Again car camping can just be a weekend trip to a campground, set up and never move. I think overlanding is set apart in the traveling, not staying in one place too long. It’s more about the drive than the destination, with or without obstacles. Keeping on the move and seeing all we can along the way.

For more information about overlanding visit overlandbound.com. They have a mind blowing amount of information in that community, make sure to visit the forums. It is a very friendly group, probably the friendliest I’ve found on the web. I am a member, #13666.

My vehicle for overlanding is a 2018 Ford Escape SE which is also my mobile radio shack. I have a Yakimo roof rack and a couple antennas on top and stickers all around. It’s pretty easy to spot. We are now using a 2014 VW Tiquan. And this year, 2024, we will be researching for a new overlanding vehicle.

Our home away from home is an Oztent RV3. This has been an awesome tent. We also have a Cleanwaste portable toilet system which may be the best piece of equipment we have ever bought. Another great item we never leave home without is the Dewalt battery powered fan.