
Our spiritual growth is the most important part of our lives. By spiritual growth I mean growing in our relationship with God. Being a Christian is not just about going to Church and reading our Bibles. We do these things to better understand God and His will for our lives.

Many Christians want to read the Bible each year. I never could quite make it. I’d miss a few days and before I knew it, I’d be too far behind to catch back up. So, I started just reading it and marking the chapters and books as I completed them. No trying to do a certain amount each day. I have now finished the Bible 4 times. And I usually do it in about a year.

I will post about things I learn as I study God’s Word. Or what He teaches me through everyday life. The first of which is a post called “The Bible Problem.” There is a link on the right-side navigation bar under “Personal Growth Pages” called “Spiritual” this will be where all my spiritual posts will be.